Use your awareness to try to avoid trouble. Learn how to quickly assess the situation. I can help you work on increasing your ability to accurately assess the situation, and choose the most appropriate response.
Recognize Danger
Avoid known gang areas
Choose parking spaces carefully
Signals of Aggression
Be aware of your own body language as well as that of others
Eye contact
Transfixed stares
Nervous movement
Aggressive postures
“Baiting” conversation
ATTACK can follow
Observe Behavior
Persons loitering in public places (bus stops, convenience stores, etc.)
Inappropriate attire: overdressed could mean concealment
Slow moving vehicles and/or repeated passes
Attempts to conceal activity or looking out for witnesses
Minimize Your Risk
Move in Pairs or Groups
Strength in numbers
Being alone signals an easy target
Avoid the Dark
Note lighting in parking areas
Shadows offer concealment
Come home to a lighted house
Don’t Show Off Wealth
Don’t attract attention
Remove jewelry if necessary
Your life is more important